what is an object in python

What is an Object in Python?

What is an Object in Python

Python is an object-oriented programming language that treats everything like an object. This includes variables, functions, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, and more. Every object in Python belongs to a specific class. For example, an integer variable belongs to the int class.

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An object is a real-world entity that encapsulates both data and functions that operate on that data. Objects in Python have three fundamental properties:

  1. State: The attributes of an object represent its state, reflecting its properties.
  2. Behavior: An object’s behavior is defined by the methods associated with it.
  3. Identity: Each object has a unique identity that distinguishes it from other objects.

Understanding Objects Through Classes

Classes and objects are the foundations of object-oriented programming. A class serves as a blueprint for creating objects. It bundles data and functionality together, ensuring that each new class instance operates independently.

Consider a real-world analogy: A Human can be considered a class with attributes such as walking, sleeping, and thinking. If we need to store the names and ages of 100 individuals, we don’t need to create 100 separate classes. Instead, we instantiate multiple objects from a single Human class.

Defining a Class in Python

In Python, a class is defined with the class keyword followed by its name. Below is the syntax:

class ClassName:      
    # Class body (statements, methods, etc.)      

Here, ClassName is a user-defined class name that can be replaced as per requirement.

Creating an Object of a Class

To work with class attributes, we must first build an object. Instantiation refers to the process of creating an object, and the resulting object is known as an instance. Objects are generated using the class name. The following is the syntax:

<object-name> = <class-name>(<arguments>)      

Example: Creating and Using an Object

class Person:         
    name = "John"      
    age = 24  
    def display(self):      
        print("Age: %d \nName: %s" % (self.age, self.name))      
# Creating an instance of the Person class    
per = Person()      


Age: 24
Name: John


In the above code:

  • We defined a class Person with two attributes: name and age.
  • A method display() is used to print the object’s details.
  • We created an object per of the Person class and accessed the method using the dot (.) operator.

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Objects are the backbone of object-oriented programming in Python. They help in organizing data and behavior in a structured way, making programs more modular and reusable. By understanding objects and classes, developers can harness the full potential of Python’s object-oriented capabilities.

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