How to Take Input in Python?

Take Input in Python

Taking user input is an essential aspect of building interactive applications in Python. It allows your program to dynamically receive data from users, enabling personalized responses or calculations. Python provides a simple and intuitive way to handle input with built-in functions. This blog will explore how to use these functions and discuss type casting, examples, and updates on handling user input effectively.

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Take_Input_in_Python_smaller How to Take Input in Python?

Methods to Take Input in Python

Python offers two methods for user input:

  1. input(prompt)
  2. raw_input(prompt) (used only in Python 2.x)

Since Python 2.x is largely obsolete, we’ll focus on the input() function, which is widely used in Python 3.x.

Understanding the input() Function

The input() function in Python 3.x is straightforward and versatile. It takes input from the user as a string and can display an optional prompt message.



  • prompt: Optional. A message displayed to the user before they enter input.

Key Characteristics of input():

  • User input is always returned as a string.
  • The program halts and waits for the user to provide input.
  • Type casting is required if input needs to be processed as integers, floats, or other data types.

Examples with input()

Example 1: Simple String Input

# Python program showing a simple use of input()

name = input("Enter your name: ")
print(f"Hello, {name}!")


Enter your name: Devansh  
Hello, Devansh!  

Example 2: Handling Different Data Types

# Python program demonstrating input with type casting

name = input("Enter your name: ")  # String input
age = int(input("Enter your age: "))  # Integer input
marks = float(input("Enter your marks: "))  # Float input

print(f"Name: {name}")
print(f"Age: {age}")
print(f"Marks: {marks}")


Enter your name: Johnson  
Enter your age: 21  
Enter your marks: 89.5  
Name: Johnson  
Age: 21  
Marks: 89.5  


  • By default, input() returns a string.
  • Type casting is performed to convert the input into the desired type:
    • int(): Converts to an integer.
    • float():Transforms into a floating-point value.

The raw_input() Function (For Python 2.x)

In Python 2.x, the raw_input() function was used to take input as a string. The input() function in Python 2.x evaluated the input as a Python expression, which could lead to errors if input wasn’t carefully handled.


# Python program showing a use of raw_input()

name = raw_input("Enter your name: ")


Enter your name: Peter  


The raw_input() function is not available in Python 3.x. Always use input() for modern Python versions.

Checking Python Version

To determine the version of Python you are using, you can either check via the command line or within your script.

Command Line:

python --version

In Python Script:

import sys

Using platform Module:

import platform

Updated Best Practices for Using input()

  1. Validation: Always validate user input to prevent errors. Use try-except blocks for robust input handling.
  2. Prompts: Provide clear and concise prompts to guide users.
  3. Type Casting: Be explicit about data type conversions to ensure correct processing of user input.

Example: Input Validation

# Python program with input validation

    age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
    print(f"Your age is: {age}")
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer.")

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