Simple Address Book in Java with Source Code

Simple Address Book in Java

Creating an address book application is a fantastic project for beginner Java developers. It introduces core programming concepts like data structures, user input handling, and file I/O. In this blog post, we’ll walk through building a simple address book application that allows users to add, view, and delete contacts.

Project Overview

Our address book will consist of the following features:

  • Add a new contact:A name, phone number, and email can be entered by users.
  • View contacts: Users can see all the contacts stored in the address book.
  • Delete a contact: Users can remove a contact by specifying the name.
  • Save and load contacts: The application will save contacts to a file and load them when started.

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Setting Up the Project

  1. Create a new Java project: Any IDE, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, or even a basic text editor, will do.
  2. Create a new Java class named AddressBook.

AddressBook Class Implementation

Here’s a simple implementation of the AddressBook class:

import java.util.*;

class Contact {
    String name;
    String phone;
    String email;

    Contact(String name, String phone, String email) { = name; = phone; = email;

    public String toString() {
        return "Name: " + name + ", Phone: " + phone + ", Email: " + email;

public class AddressBook {
    private List<Contact> contacts;
    private static final String FILE_NAME = "contacts.txt";

    public AddressBook() {
        contacts = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addContact(String name, String phone, String email) {
        contacts.add(new Contact(name, phone, email));

    public void viewContacts() {
        if (contacts.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("No contacts found.");
        for (Contact contact : contacts) {

    public void deleteContact(String name) {
        Iterator<Contact> iterator = contacts.iterator();
        boolean found = false;
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Contact contact =;
            if ( {
                found = true;
        if (found) {
            System.out.println("Contact deleted: " + name);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Contact not found: " + name);

    private void saveContacts() {
        try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(FILE_NAME))) {
            for (Contact contact : contacts) {
                writer.write( + "," + + "," +;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error saving contacts: " + e.getMessage());

    private void loadContacts() {
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(FILE_NAME))) {
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                String[] parts = line.split(",");
                if (parts.length == 3) {
                    contacts.add(new Contact(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error loading contacts: " + e.getMessage());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook();
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        String choice;

        do {
            System.out.println("\nAddress Book Menu:");
            System.out.println("1. Add Contact");
            System.out.println("2. View Contacts");
            System.out.println("3. Delete Contact");
            System.out.println("4. Exit");
            System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
            choice = scanner.nextLine();

            switch (choice) {
                case "1":
                    System.out.print("Enter name: ");
                    String name = scanner.nextLine();
                    System.out.print("Enter phone: ");
                    String phone = scanner.nextLine();
                    System.out.print("Enter email: ");
                    String email = scanner.nextLine();
                    addressBook.addContact(name, phone, email);
                case "2":
                case "3":
                    System.out.print("Enter name to delete: ");
                    String deleteName = scanner.nextLine();
                case "4":
                    System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");
        } while (!choice.equals("4"));


Explanation of the Code

  • Contact Class: This class holds the details of a contact—name, phone number, and email.
  • AddressBook Class:
  • List of Contacts: It maintains a list of Contact objects.
  • Methods:
    • addContact(): Adds a new contact and saves the updated list.
    • viewContacts(): Displays all contacts.
    • deleteContact(): Removes a contact and updates the file.
    • saveContacts(): Saves contacts to a text file.
    • loadContacts(): Loads contacts from the text file at startup.
  • Main Method: Gives users the ability to interact with the address book using a straightforward command-line interface.

Running the Program

To run the program, compile the Java file and execute the main method. Follow the prompts to add, view, or delete contacts.

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