Online Mobile Shop Using JSP (Eclipse IDE, Tomcat Server, MySQL Database)

Online Mobile Shop Using JSP

The digital age has fueled a significant shift towards online shopping, with e-commerce platforms bringing convenience and speed to consumers worldwide. Building an online mobile shop using JSP (JavaServer Pages) is an exciting project that combines multiple technologies, including Eclipse IDE, Tomcat Server, and MySQL Database. Whether you’re a student looking to complete a project or a professional enhancing your skills, this guide provides a complete walkthrough of setting up an online mobile shop. Follow along with this step-by-step guide, and make sure to reference this video series for a visual demonstration of the entire process.

maxresdefault Online Mobile Shop Using JSP (Eclipse IDE, Tomcat Server, MySQL Database)

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Project Overview

Our online mobile shop project will offer users a seamless experience for browsing and purchasing smartphones online. It will include essential features such as user registration, product listing, product details, cart management, and order placement. We’ll use JSP for server-side programming, MySQL for the database, and Tomcat as the web server, all managed within the Eclipse IDE.


Make sure your computer has the following installed before you begin:

  • Eclipse IDE (for Java EE Developers)
  • Apache Tomcat Server (version 9.0 or higher)
  • MySQL Database (along with MySQL Workbench for easier database management)
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) (version 8 or above)

Step 1: Set Up the Project in Eclipse

  1. Create a New Dynamic Web Project:
  • Open Eclipse IDE, navigate to File > New > Dynamic Web Project.
  • Name your project, e.g., “OnlineMobileShop,” and configure it to use the Apache Tomcat server.
  • Ensure that the project is set up for Java EE and that the Dynamic Web Module version is set to 3.0 or higher.
  1. Set Up the Libraries:
  • Right-click on your project, select Properties, then go to Java Build Path > Libraries.
  • Add the required MySQL Connector/J library, which enables JSP to connect to the MySQL database. You can download it from the MySQL website if you haven’t already.

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Step 2: Configure the MySQL Database

  1. Create a New Database:
  • Open MySQL Workbench, create a new database named MobileShopDB.
  1. Create Tables:
  • Within MobileShopDB, create the following tables to handle users, products, orders, and cart details. Here is an example schema: CREATE TABLE Users ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100) ); CREATE TABLE Products ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, description TEXT, imagePath VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE Orders ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, userId INT, orderDate TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES Users(id) ); CREATE TABLE Cart ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, userId INT, productId INT, quantity INT DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES Users(id), FOREIGN KEY (productId) REFERENCES Products(id) );
  • Add sample data to the Products table for testing.

Step 3: Set Up Database Connection in JSP

In your project, create a class to manage the connection to the MySQL database.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public class DBConnection {
    public static Connection initializeDatabase() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        String dbDriver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
        String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";
        String dbName = "MobileShopDB";
        String dbUsername = "root";
        String dbPassword = "your_password";

        return DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL + dbName, dbUsername, dbPassword);

Step 4: Create JSP Pages for Each Feature

  1. User Registration and Login:
  • Create register.jsp and login.jsp for handling user registration and login. These pages should include forms for user details.
  • Use to interact with the database, creating methods to add new users and validate login details.
  1. Product Listing and Details:
  • Create products.jsp to display the list of mobile phones from the Products table.
  • Add a productDetails.jsp page that displays information for a selected product.
  1. Cart Management:
  • Create cart.jsp where users can view items added to their cart, adjust quantities, and proceed to checkout.
  • Implement logic in for adding products to the cart, updating quantities, and removing items.
  1. Order Placement:
  • After confirming items in the cart, redirect users to checkout.jsp to finalize their order.
  • Implement an class to handle order storage, linking orders to specific users.

Step 5: Deploy the Application on Tomcat Server

  1. Configure Tomcat Server:
  • Ensure Tomcat is configured in Eclipse under Servers. Right-click on your project, select Run As > Run on Server, and choose Tomcat.
  1. Test the Application:
  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/OnlineMobileShop/ to access the application.
  • Test each feature, including user registration, login, browsing products, adding items to the cart, and placing orders.

Step 6: Final Testing and Debugging

Test each feature rigorously to ensure there are no bugs. If any errors occur, troubleshoot by reviewing the Tomcat logs and making necessary adjustments to the code. Refer to the video guide for insights on handling common issues and improving your application.

Features Included

This project covers the following essential features:

  • User Registration and Login
  • Product Display and Details Page
  • Cart Management and Checkout Process
  • Order Management

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  • Online Mobile Shop Using JSP
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  • online shopping project in java
  • Online Mobile Shop Using JSP (Eclipse IDE, Tomcat Server, MySQL Database)
  • Online Mobile Shop Using JSP
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