E-Commerce Website Project in Java Servlets (JSP)
E-Commerce Website Project in Java Servlets(JSP)
Project: E-Commerce Website Project in Java
Online Shopping Cart E-Commerce Website Project in Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP. Built for selling of goods online and managing the cart items of the user and providing them better facilities like adding items, removing items, increase or decrease item quantity.
Purpose E-Commerce Website Project in Java
A user can visit the websites, register, and login to the websites in this project. They may browse all of the things available for purchase, filter and search for items based on various categories, and then add to basket. They can add numerous items to the cart as well as increase or decrease the quantity in the cart. Once the cart has been updated, the user may go to checkout and provide their credit card information. When the payment is successful, the orders are placed, and users may view the order information as well as the shipment status of the goods in the orders area.
Objective E-Commerce Website Project in Java
One of the best features of the projects is the ability to email customers, so once a user registers on the website, they will receive an email confirming their successful registration, and whenever a user orders a product or the product is shipped from the store, the user will also receive an email confirming their order. If a user attempts to add an item that is out of stock, they will receive an email once the item is back in stock.
How To Run The Project?
Open Eclipse Enterprise Edition. [Install if not available]
Step 1: Click On File > Import “E-Commerce Website Project in Java”
Step 2. Right Click On Project > Run As > Run On Server > Select Tomcat > Next > Finish
Step 3: In The Server Tab > Double Click On Tomcat Server > Ports
Step 4: Check Running The Site At http://localhost:8083/E-Commerce Website/Â
Step 5: Done Your Project is ready to use .
Default Username And Password For Admin Is “admin@gmail.com” And “admin”
Default Username And Password For User Is “guest@gmail.com” And “guest”
GENERATING GMAIL APP PASSWORD [For Mailing Functionalities]
Step 1: Create a Gmail account or login to existing account in any browser
Step 2 : Go to https://myaccount.google.com/security and check if 2 step verifications is enabled or not, enable it if not enabled
Step 3: Go to https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords and enter password if asked
Step 4: In Select an App Section: select Other (custom name) => enter “Project name” => Generate
Step 5: After that it will generate 16 digits app password which you need to copy and save for future configurations.
Step 6: Done : Now continue to importing the project.
There are 2 users in the system
- Administrator and
- User
- New User Registration
- Order Successfully Placed
- The Item was out of stock while exploring but now it got available in the store
- Successful shipment and delivery of the Item
NOTE:- The users will get a mail to their registered mail Id during:-
Technologies used:-
- Front-End Development:
- Html
- Css
- Javascript
- BootStrap
- Back-End Development
- Java
- Servlet
Software And Tools Required
- : MySQL
- : Eclipse EE
- : Java JDK
- : Tomcat v8.0
- : Apache Maven
- : Xampp Server
Output :
Download Project:
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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)–only run source code.
Note: Only for Educational Purpose
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Tags :-
e-commerce website project in java servlets(jsp)
e-commerce website project in java
java ecommerce website
e commerce website using java
jsp servlet project in eclipse
e-commerce java project
e commerce website project in java
maven jsp project example
jsp ecommerce website
java web page example
simple java servlet projects with source code