SQL DELETE Statement

Understanding the SQL DELETE Statement and Its Variants

SQL DELETE Statement

The SQL DELETE statement is a powerful command used to remove rows from a table in a database. Whether you aim to delete specific rows based on a condition or remove all rows, the DELETE statement provides the flexibility to achieve both. However, understanding related statements like DROP and TRUNCATE is essential to use them effectively and avoid unintended consequences. Let’s dive into the details.

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DELETE Statement Syntax

To delete specific rows from a table, you must include a WHERE condition. If you omit the WHERE clause, all rows in the table will be removed.


DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition];  

Example 1: Deleting Specific Rows

Suppose you want to remove employees whose salary is below 15000 from the employee table:

DELETE FROM employee WHERE Salary < 15000;  

Example 2: Deleting All Rows

To delete all rows from the employee table without deleting the table structure:

DELETE FROM employee;  

Differences Between DELETE and TRUNCATE Statements

Although the DELETE and TRUNCATE statements might appear similar, there are significant differences between the two:

DELETE Statement:

  1. Deletes rows based on the condition specified in the WHERE clause.
  2. Can delete all rows if no condition is specified.
  3. Does not free the space occupied by the table’s rows.
  4. Allows rollback (when used in a transaction).
  5. Triggers can be activated.

TRUNCATE Statement:

  1. Deletes all rows from the table without requiring a condition.
  2. Frees the space occupied by the table’s data.
  3. Cannot be rolled back (as it is a DDL operation).
  4. Triggers do not activate.


TRUNCATE TABLE employee;  

Employee Table Example

Consider the following employee table:

Emp_id Name Address Salary
1 Aryan Allahabad 22000
2 Shurabhi Varanasi 13000
3 Pappu Delhi 24000

After executing the following command:

TRUNCATE TABLE employee;  

The table will be emptied, but its structure will remain intact.

Differences Between DROP and TRUNCATE Statements

The DROP statement is more destructive compared to TRUNCATE, as it removes both the table’s data and its structure. Here’s a detailed comparison:

DROP Statement:

  1. Deletes the table, including its structure and data.
  2. Removes all relationships, integrity constraints, and access privileges associated with the table.
  3. Cannot be rolled back.


DROP TABLE employee;  

TRUNCATE Statement:

  1. Deletes all rows while retaining the table structure.
  2. Does not affect relationships, constraints, or privileges.
  3. Cannot be rolled back.

Key Takeaways

  • Use DELETE when you need to remove specific rows or if rollback functionality is required.
  • Use TRUNCATE to quickly clear a table’s data while keeping its structure intact.
  • Use DROP to completely remove a table, its data, and all associated relationships.

Understanding these differences ensures efficient and safe database management, helping you maintain data integrity while optimizing performance.

For more insights on SQL operations and best practices, stay tuned to UpdateGadh..

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