Shopping Cart using Spring Boot

Shopping Cart using Spring Boot with source code

Shopping Cart using Spring Boot

Project: Shopping Cart using Spring Boot

Shopping Cart using Spring Boot The Shopping Cart Web Application is a modern and feature-rich e-commerce platform designed to provide users with a seamless and enjoyable online shopping experience. Leveraging a robust stack of technologies and frameworks, this project encompasses various functionalities, ensuring a well-rounded and efficient solution for both customers and administrators

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E-Commerce Website Project in Java Servlets

Requirements Shopping Cart using Spring Boot

Column 1Column 2
Project NameShopping Cart using Spring Boot
Project PlatformSpring Boot
Programming LanguageServlet/JSP/Bootstrap/HTML/MySQL
Front EndHtml, css, js, jsp,
Back Endjava, MySQL
IDE ToolEclipse Neon
Project TypeWeb Application
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How To Run Shopping Cart using Spring Boot

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1. User Authentication:

  • Description: Enables users to register, log in, and log out securely.
  • Key Points:
    • Integration with Auth0 for authentication.
    • Support for social login options (Google, GitHub, Facebook).
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2. Product Management:

  • Description: Manages the catalog of products available for purchase.
  • Key Points:
    • CRUD operations for adding, updating, and deleting products.
    • Integration with the Collections Framework for efficient data management.

3. Shopping Cart Operations:

  • Description: Allows users to interact with their shopping cart.
  • Key Points:
    • Add items to the cart.
    • Remove items from the cart.
    • Adjust quantities of items in the cart.

4. Checkout Process:

  • Description: Guides users through the process of completing a purchase.
  • Key Points:
    • Address modal for user input during checkout.
    • Secure payment processing for transaction completion.

5. User Interface Design:

  • Description: Provides an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.
  • Key Points:
    • UI development using JSP, Servlets, and HTML5.
    • Integration of Chakra UI components for modular and accessible design.

6. Database Interaction:

  • Description: Manages interactions with the database.
  • Key Points:
    • JDBC integration for inserting and retrieving data.
    • Storage and retrieval of user, product, and transaction data.

7. Spring Boot Configuration:

  • Description: Sets up and configures the Spring Boot project.
  • Key Points:
    • Project bootstrapping for quick and easy development.
    • Embedded Tomcat server for deployment.

Technologies Used:

  1. Objective:
    • Develop a shopping cart web application utilizing a stack of modern technologies and frameworks.
  2. Setting up your local Java development environment:
    • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your local machine.
    • Configure your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java development.
  3. Use Collections Framework to perform the operations:
    • Leverage Java Collections Framework for efficient data manipulation and management within the application.
  4. JSP / Servlet / HTML5 for any UI page:
    • Design user interfaces using JSP (JavaServer Pages), Servlets, and HTML5 to create a dynamic and interactive shopping experience.
  5. JDBC Framework for inserting data in the Database:
    • Implement JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with the database for inserting and retrieving data related to the shopping cart.
  6. Spring Boot – Bootstrapping for creating the project:
    • Utilize Spring Boot for project bootstrapping, simplifying the setup and configuration of the application.
  7. Spring Boot – Tomcat to deploy the application:
    • Employ the embedded Tomcat server provided by Spring Boot for deploying and running the shopping cart application.
  8. Spring Boot – Build Systems for creating a unit to deploy:
    • Use Spring Boot’s build systems (e.g., Maven or Gradle) to manage dependencies, build the project, and create deployable artifacts.
  9. Spring Boot – Logging for logging messages in a file:
    • Implement logging using Spring Boot’s logging mechanisms to track and analyze application behavior, storing log messages in a file for future reference.
  10. Spring Boot – Exception Handling for proper error messages:
    • Implement robust exception handling mechanisms in Spring Boot to gracefully manage errors and provide meaningful error messages to users.
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Software And Tools Required

  • JDK/JRE version : 11+
  • Web Server : Tomcat Server 9.0.x
  • Database Server : MS SQL Server 2017
  • Recommended JDK/JRE version : java 11.0.9 LTS
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Output :

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Database :-

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