Pharmacy Management System in PHP & MYSQL

Pharmacy Management System in PHP & MYSQL : Real Time Project

Pharmacy Management System in PHP

The Pharmacy Management System is a comprehensive solution developed using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS. Designed for ease of use, this system allows pharmacy owners to efficiently manage their business operations. The user-friendly interface ensures that even those with minimal technical knowledge can navigate and operate the system effortlessly. This project includes both an admin side and a staff section, with the majority of management tasks being handled by the admin.

Step 1: Making the Project

The Pharmacy Management System is built using a combination of PHP for the server-side logic, JavaScript for interactivity, Bootstrap for responsive design, and CSS for styling. The project structure is organized to separate concerns, making it easy to manage and expand.


Project Name Pharmacy Management System in PHP
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/

Step 2: Essential Features

The system comes with a robust set of features designed to streamline pharmacy management:

  • Admin Dashboard: Provides a comprehensive overview of all activities and metrics.
  • Manager Management: Allows the admin to add, edit, and delete manager records.
  • Pharmacist Management: Facilitates the addition, editing, and deletion of pharmacist records.
  • Salesman Management: Enables the admin to manage salesman records.
  • Profile Modification: Lets the admin update their profile information.
  • Password Management: Offers the functionality to change the admin password for security purposes.

Step 3: Required Software and Tools

To develop and run the Pharmacy Management System, the following software and tools are required:

  • XAMPP/WAMP: To set up a local server environment.
  • PHP 7.x: The programming language used for server-side scripting.
  • MySQL: The database management system.
  • Apache Server: To run the PHP scripts.
  • Browser: For accessing the application (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.).

Step 4: Running the Project

To run the Pharmacy Management System on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Download and Install XAMPP/WAMP: Set up the local server environment.
  2. Clone the Repository: Download the project source code from the provided link.
  3. Extract the Files: Place the extracted files in the htdocs directory of XAMPP or the www directory of WAMP.
  4. Create Database: Open phpMyAdmin and create a new database. Import the provided SQL file to set up the necessary tables.
  5. Configure Database Connection: Update the database configuration file with your database credentials.
  6. Start the Server: Launch Apache and MySQL services from the XAMPP/WAMP control panel.
  7. Access the Application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/pharmacy-management-system

Step 5: Project Screenshots

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Figure 1: Admin Dashboard Overview

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Figure 2: Managing Managers

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Pharmacy Management System in PHP

Figure 3: Managing Pharmacists

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Pharmacy Management System in PHP

Figure 4: Managing Salesmen

Step 6: Download Project

You can download the Pharmacy Management System project for free by clicking the button below:

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Login as Manager:

  • Add a manager to become Admin
  • Then logout from admin and login as a manager
  • Or if you have a manager account, login just type your email and password and role=manager

Login as Pharmacist:

  • Add a pharmacist to become Admin or Manager
  • Then logout from admin or manager and login as a Pharmacist
  • Or if you have a Pharmacist account, login just type your email and password and role=Pharmacist

Login as Salesman:

  • Add a salesman to become Admin, Manager or pharmacist
  • Then logout from admin, manager, pharmacist and login as a Salesman
  • Or if you have a Salesman account, login just type your email and password and role=salesman

Tags and SEO

Tags: Pharmacy Management System, PHP Project, Pharmacy Software, PHP with Source Code, Free Download

SEO: Pharmacy Management System PHP, Pharmacy Software Free Download, PHP Pharmacy Project, Pharmacy Management Software, Pharmacy System PHP Source Code

Title: Pharmacy Management System in PHP with Source Code | Free Download

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