Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code

Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code

Library Management System in Java Servlet


Are you tired of managing your library manually? Do you want an efficient and user-friendly solution to streamline your library operations? Look no further than a Library Management System built using Java Servlet and MySQL. In this article, we will explore the benefits and features of this powerful system, along with providing a free source code for you to implement it in your own library.


Column 1 Column 2
Project Name Library Management System in Java Servlet
Project Platform JSP
Programming Language Servlet/JSP/Bootstrap/HTML/MySQL
Front End Html, css, js, jsp,
Back End java, MySQL
IDE Tool Eclipse Neon
Database MySQL
Project Type Web Application

How To Run The Project?

Open Eclipse Enterprise Edition. [Install if not available]

Step 1:

Download and install XAMPP and Eclipse (with Dynamic Web Page) by following the instructions on their respective official websites.

Installation Steps for Project Setup:

Download and Extract Files:

  1. Download the zip file or use WinRAR to unzip the contents.
  2. Extract the files onto your Desktop.

[Backend Setup]

  1. Open XAMPP:
  2. Import Database:
    • In PHP MyAdmin, import the database (localhost/phpmyadmin) by selecting the option to import and choosing the provided database file.
    • Import the database by selecting the option to import and choosing the provided “database” file.

[Front-end Setup]

  1. Open Eclipse:
    • Launch Eclipse.
    • Import Project:
      • Click on File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
      • Choose the root directory where your project is located.
      • Select the project and click Finish.
    • Add MySQL Connector:
      • Inside the project structure, navigate to Src > Web > lib folder.
      • Add the MySQL Connector JAR file to this folder.
  2. Step 2: Run Project on Server:
    • Right-click on Project:
      • In the Project Explorer, right-click on your project.
    • Run As:
      • Choose Run As > Run on Server.
    • Select Tomcat Server:
      • Choose Tomcat as the server.
    • Next and Finish:
      • Click Next > Finish.
  3. Step 3: Open Browser After Successful Setup:
    • After the successful setup, the default web browser opens automatically, displaying your project.

Key Features

Now that we understand the underlying technologies, let’s explore the key features of a Library Management System built using Java Servlet and MySQL.

  1. User Management: The system allows you to manage user accounts efficiently. You can easily add new users, update their information, and handle password management securely.
  2. Book Management: With this system, you can easily add new books, update their details, and track their availability. You can also maintain a comprehensive record of borrowed and returned books, making it easier to manage your library’s inventory.
  3. Search Functionality: The system provides a powerful search functionality, allowing users to quickly find the books they are looking for. Users can search by title, author, genre, or any other relevant criteria, making it convenient for them to discover new books.
  4. Reservation System: Users can reserve books that are currently unavailable. This feature ensures that users have a fair chance of accessing popular books and helps you keep track of book reservations.
  5. Fine Management: The system automatically calculates fines for late returns and maintains a record of fine payments. This feature encourages users to return books on time and helps you maintain a smooth operation.

Technologies Used:

  1. JSP (JavaServer Pages):
    • For dynamic content generation and interaction with the Java backend.
  2. Java Servlets:
    • To handle backend logic and manage data processing.
  3. MySQL Database:
    • Storage and retrieval of movie, user, and booking data.

Software And Tools Required

  • JDK/JRE version : 11+
  • Web Server : Tomcat Server 9.0.x
  • Database Server : MS SQL Server 2017

Output :

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image-22 Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code
image-24 Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code
image-26 Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code

Download Project:

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)–only run source code.

Note: Only for Educational Purpose

image-52-1024x261 Library Management System in Java Servlet And MySQL free Source Code

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