Building a CLI Wordle Game in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

CLI Wordle Game in Python


Wordle, the popular word-guessing game, has taken the world by storm. In this post, we’ll explore a Python implementation of a CLI-based Wordle game, reviewing its components, functionality, and how to run it yourself.

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img-1024x574 Building a CLI Wordle Game in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Overview of the Project

This project includes:

  1. Defines the LetterState class to manage the state of each letter.
  2. Contains the main Wordle class with logic for handling attempts and validating guesses.
  3. The entry point for the program, handling user interaction, displaying results, and ensuring a smooth experience.
  4. wordle_words.txt and words.txt: Word lists used for gameplay.
  5. Project description and details.


Before proceeding, ensure:

  • Python 3.6 or higher is installed.
  • The colorama library is installed for colorful CLI outputs: pip install colorama

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Clone or Set Up the Project

Place the provided files (,,, wordle_words.txt, and words.txt) in a single directory. Verify the folder structure matches the paths specified in the code.

Step 2: Understand the Code Structure

  • LetterState Class (
    • Tracks whether a letter is in the word and/or in the correct position.
    class LetterState: def __init__(self, char: str): self.char = char self.is_in_word = False self.is_in_position = False
  • Wordle Class (
    • Manages the game’s logic, including attempts, guesses, and results.
    class Wordle: max_attempts = 6 word_length = 5 def __init__(self, secret: str): self.secret = secret.upper() self.attempts = []
    • The heart of the game, handles user interaction and displays results.

Step 3: Prepare the Word List

The game uses wordle_words.txt as its default word list. Add or edit words as needed, ensuring each word is five characters long.

Step 4: Run the Game

From the terminal, navigate to the directory containing the files and execute:


How to Play the Game

  1. You’ll see the welcome message: ... HELLO WORDLE ...
  2. Enter your guesses one by one. Each guess must:
    • Be a valid five-letter word.
    • Exist in the provided word list.
  3. The game provides feedback using colors:
    • Green: Letter is in the correct position.
    • Yellow: Letter exists in the word but is in the wrong position.
    • White: Letter is not in the word.

Example interaction:

Enter your word:  CHAIR
 C H A I R
_ _ _ _ _

Winning and Losing

  • Win: Solve the word within six attempts.
  • Lose: Exhaust all attempts.

Code Insights

  • Loading the Word List def load_word_set(path: str): with open(path, 'r') as f: return {line.strip().upper() for line in f}
  • Colored Feedback Results are displayed in green, yellow, or white using the colorama library.

Customizing the Game

  • Modify the word list in wordle_words.txt or words.txt.
  • Change the word_length and max_attempts in the Wordle class to experiment with different game configurations.

Download the Complete Project

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Building a CLI Wordle Game in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building a CLI Wordle Game in Python
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Wordle Game in Python


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