Instagram Clone Project
Instagram Clone Project

New Project : Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql With Source Code

Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql

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Welcome to the Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql, a dynamic web application developed using PHP and MySQL. This project is designed to replicate the essential features of Instagram, offering users a familiar and engaging social media experience. With the power of PHP for server-side scripting and MySQL for database management, this project delivers a scalable and efficient platform for photo sharing, social networking, and interaction

What`s New

When a new user registers, an OTP is sent to the email address, and that OTP is used to validate the user’s Gmail account.

Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql

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This Instagram Clone Project brings together the best practices of social networking platforms, emphasizing user engagement and a visually appealing experience. With the use of PHP and MySQL, it promises a reliable and efficient solution for users to connect, share, and explore in a familiar Instagram-like environment

Design Approach

Project Name               :  Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql

Language Used                   :  PHP

See also  Examination Management System Using PHP and MYSQL

Database                              :  MySQL

User Interface Design       :  HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT

Web Browser                       :  Google Chrome, IE8,

Software                               :  XAMPP / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Front end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

HTML: HTML is the language used to produce and save web documents. Notepad/Notepad++, VS code for example.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Make an eye-catching layout.

Bootstrap is a responsive design framework. mobile-friendly website

JavaScript is a computer language that is extensively used in web browsers.

Back end: PHP and MySQL

  • PHP is a technology that allows software developers to construct dynamically generated web pages in HTML, XML, or other document types based on client requests. PHP is free and open-source software.
  • MySQL: MySql is a database that is commonly used for searching, updating, and managing data in databases.


Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql

  1. User Authentication and Profiles:
    • Seamless user registration and login processes.
    • Secure authentication mechanisms to protect user accounts.
    • User profiles with customizable details and settings.
  2. Photo Upload and Sharing:
    • Users can upload photos with captions.
    • Photo feed for users to scroll through and explore content.
    • Like, comment, and share functionalities for interactive engagement.
  3. Follow and Connect:
    • Follow friends and other users to stay updated on their posts.
    • Explore a discoverable user base for new connections.
  4. Notifications and Activity Feed:
    • Real-time notifications for likes, comments, and new followers.
    • Activity feed displaying recent interactions within the network.
  5. Direct Messaging:
    • Private messaging system for one-on-one conversations.
    • Group messaging for collaborative communication.
  6. Search and Explore:
    • Search functionality to find users, posts, and hashtags.
    • Explore feature to discover trending and popular content.

📝 Note: Don’t hesitate to connect with us if you’re in need of the source code. We’re here to provide you with the complete source code, along with all essential components like databases and project reports, complete with diagrams. Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive STEP-BY-STEP configuration guide to help you smoothly set up your project.

See also  Online Bike Rental Management System Using PHP and MySQL

Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql (Outputs):-

Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql
Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql

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Instagram Clone Project in php project ppt
Instagram Clone Project Using Php and Mysql
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Instagram Clone in php and mysql source code

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