Movie Recommendation System

Movie Recommendation System Web Application using Django

Movie Recommendation System

Building a Movie Recommendation System web application using the Django framework and the Collaborative Filtering technique offers a unique way to suggest movies to users based on their preferences. This system uses a recommendation algorithm called Matrix Factorization, which helps predict user ratings and suggests the most relevant movies to the users.

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Project Details

Project Name Movie Recommendation System Web Application
Language/s Used Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Database SQLite
Type Web Application
Project Type Free


This project is a web-based application developed using Django, which is a powerful Python framework. The application integrates the Collaborative Filtering recommendation technique using the Matrix Factorization Algorithm to suggest movies. This system stores data in an SQLite database, and all necessary features for movie recommendation and user ratings are included.

    1. Home Page (home): This is the landing page of the web application.

    1. Recommendation Page (recom): Where users can view movie recommendations based on the data.

    1. Rating Page (rate): Where users can rate movies to personalize their recommendations.

Technologies Used

Web TechnologiesPython, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Python PackagesDjango, Numpy, Pandas, Scipy
Version ControlGit (Optional for version tracking)


Python Version3.6
Pip Versionpip3
Virtual Environmentvirtualenv
Operating SystemAny (Linux, Windows, macOS)
DjangoLatest version (listed in requirements.txt)
Other DependenciesListed in requirements.txt

Setup to Run

  1. Download the zip file to your local machine.

  2. Extract the zip file.

  3. Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the extracted folder using the following command:

    cd ~/Desktop/Movie Recommendation System web application using Django
  4. Create a new virtual environment in that directory:

    python3.6 -m pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv venv -p python3.6
  5. Activate the virtual environment:

    source venv/bin/activate
  6. Install all dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run the Django application:

    python runserver
  8. Open your browser and go to this address:

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Screenshot-2025-01-15-111524-1024x576 Movie Recommendation System Web Application using Django
Screenshot-2025-01-15-111535-1024x576 Movie Recommendation System Web Application using Django
Screenshot-2025-01-15-111559-1024x576 Movie Recommendation System Web Application using Django
Screenshot-2025-01-15-111918-1024x575 Movie Recommendation System Web Application using Django

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