Smart Chess AI

Smart Chess AI with Python

Smart Chess AI with Advance Feature


Chess is a game of strategy and intelligence, and building an AI opponent that plays chess at a competitive level is a fascinating challenge. This project is a basic implementation of a chess game with a graphical user interface (GUI), allowing both human vs. human and human vs. AI gameplay. The AI opponent is powered by the Negamax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning, ensuring optimal move selection and an engaging single-player experience.


Graphical User Interface 🎨

  • The game features a user-friendly interface built using the Pygame library.
  • Clear visual representation of the chessboard and pieces for an enjoyable playing experience.

Two-Player Mode 🤝

  • Engage in a classic human vs. human chess match.
  • Both players take turns making moves on the same device.

AI Opponent 🤖

  • Challenge yourself against an AI-powered opponent.
  • The AI uses the Negamax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning to optimize its move selection.
  • Provides a challenging yet balanced gameplay experience for single-player mode.

Checkmate, Stalemate, and Legal Moves ♟️

  • Ensures all moves comply with standard chess rules.
  • Detects game-ending conditions such as checkmate and stalemate.
  • Highlights legal moves to guide players in making valid moves.

Advanced Chess Mechanics 🔄

  • Supports essential chess mechanics:
    • Pawn promotion (automatically promotes a pawn to a queen when reaching the last rank).
    • En passant (captures pawns that have moved two squares forward from their starting position).
    • Castling (king and rook swap places for defensive positioning).

Undo and Reset Board 🔄

  • Press ‘Z’ to undo the last move.
  • Press ‘R’ to reset the board and start a new game instantly.

Variety of Chess Boards 🎨

  • Play on different chessboard colors and themes.
  • Customize the board appearance for a personalized experience.

Immersive Sounds and Images 🔊

  • Multiple sound effects for piece movement and captures, enhancing the immersive experience.
  • High-quality chess piece images for a visually appealing game.

How It Works

1. Game Logic & Rules 🏆

  • The game follows standard chess rules, ensuring fair play.
  • The module manages move validation, piece movement, and rule enforcement.

2. AI Decision Making 🤖

  • The AI opponent selects moves using the Negamax algorithm, an optimized version of Minimax.
  • Alpha-Beta pruning improves efficiency by cutting off unnecessary calculations, making the AI smarter and faster.

3. User Interaction & GUI 🎮

  • Players interact with the game via the Pygame-powered GUI.
  • Click-based interface for selecting and moving pieces.
  • The board updates dynamically based on user or AI moves.

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