Election Management System Using Python Django and SQLite

Election Management System Using Python Django and SQLite

Election Management System Using Python Django and SQLite

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In the digital age, managing elections efficiently and securely is paramount. With the power of modern web frameworks like Django and robust databases like SQLite, creating a comprehensive Election Management System (EMS) is both feasible and efficient. This blog post will guide you through the process of building an EMS using Python 3.7, Django 3.1, and SQLite. We’ll cover everything from setting up the project to running it and showcasing key features with screenshots.

Step 1: Making the Project

To start building the Election Management System, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up a Virtual Environment:

   python3.7 -m venv ems_env
   source ems_env/bin/activate

  1. Install Django:

   pip install django==3.1

  1. Create a Django Project:

   django-admin startproject election_management
   cd election_management

  1. Create a Django App:

   python manage.py startapp election

  1. Configure Database (SQLite by default):
    In settings.py, ensure the default database setting is:

       'default': {
           'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
           'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',

Step 2: Essential Features

An effective Election Management System should include the following features:

  • User Authentication: Admins and voters should have secure access.
  • Candidate Management: Admins can add, edit, and remove candidates.
  • Voter Registration: Secure registration process for voters.
  • Voting Mechanism: Voters can cast their votes securely.
  • Results Calculation: Real-time or post-election result tallying.
  • Audit Logs: Track and log all activities for security and transparency.

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Step 3: Required Software and Tools

To build and run the Election Management System, you will need:

  • Python 3.7: The core programming language.
  • Django 3.1: The web framework.
  • SQLite: The database system.
  • Django REST Framework: For building RESTful APIs (optional but recommended).
  • Bootstrap: For responsive front-end design.
  • Git: For version control.
  • VSCode or PyCharm: Recommended IDEs for development.

Technical Description

  • Technologies Used –

  1. Python 3.7 (Backend)
  2. Django 3.1 (Backend)
  3. SQLite (Database)
  4. JavaScript (FrontEnd)
  5. HTML (Frontend)
  6. CSS (Frontend)
  7. Bootstrap 4 (Frontend)

  • Setup/Installations – — To install Django

  1. Install Python
  2. pip install django

Architecture Diagram

image-5 Election Management System Using Python Django and SQLite

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Flow Diagram

Flowchart-431x1024 Election Management System Using Python Django and SQLite

Step 4: Running the Project

Follow these steps to run your Election Management System:

  1. Apply Migrations:

   python manage.py makemigrations
   python manage.py migrate

  1. Create a Superuser:

   python manage.py createsuperuser

  1. Run the Development Server:

   python manage.py runserver

  1. Access the Application:
    Open your web browser and navigate to

Step 5: Project Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the project to give you a visual idea:

  1. Home Page: Displays an overview of the election process.
  2. Admin Dashboard: Where admins can manage candidates and monitor the election.
  3. Candidate Management: Admins can add or edit candidate details.
  4. Voting Page: Secure page for voters to cast their votes.
  5. Results Page: Displays real-time results as votes are counted.

Step 6: Download Project

You can purchase the complete project files and source code by clicking the link below:

Click here :- Download

Tags and SEO

Tags: Election Management System, Python, Django, SQLite, Web Development, Voting System, Secure Voting, Online Election System

SEO Keywords: Election Management System with Django, Python election system, secure voting application, build election app with Python, Django SQLite project, online voting system tutorial

Meta Description: Learn how to create a secure and efficient Election Management System using Python 3.7, Django 3.1, and SQLite. This step-by-step guide covers everything from project setup to running the application, complete with essential features and screenshots.

Creating an Election Management System with Python and Django ensures a robust, secure, and scalable solution. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a functional system ready to handle election processes efficiently.


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