Online Tender Management System | Java Web Application Final Year Project
Online Tender Management System | Java Web Application Final Year Project

Online Tender Management System | Java Web Application Final Year Project

Online Tender Management System


Online Tender Management System
Online Tender Management System

Project: Online Tender Management System

The “Online Tender Management System” is a cutting-edge and comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and improve the tendering process. The Java programming language is used to create this project, while MySQL is used as the backend database. By digitizing and automating several stages, the system overcomes the issues that companies have throughout the traditional tendering process, assuring transparency, correctness, and accessibility. Registered companies can use this system to issue tender announcements, and registered suppliers can submit bids electronically.

Purpose Online Tender Management System

The “Online Tender Management System” represents a technologically advanced solution designed to supplant the current manual and paper-based tender management procedures. This innovative system harnesses contemporary technology, employing Java for front-end development and MySQL for backend database management, to revolutionize and streamline the tendering process. The system incorporates diverse functionalities to augment efficiency, transparency, and collaboration between organizations and suppliers.

Java Project – Updategadh

Ensuring secure user authentication to forestall unauthorized access is a primary feature of the proposed system. Distinct user roles, including organizations and suppliers, are meticulously defined, each endowed with specific privileges and access rights, thereby safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality.

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Through the system’s web-based interface, organizations can effortlessly create and publish tender announcements. This includes inputting project details, requirements, deadlines, and supporting documents electronically, obviating the need for physical document preparation and distribution.

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The “Online Tender Management System” is a cutting-edge technical solution that will replace the current manual and paper-based tender management method. This suggested system uses cutting-edge technology to revolutionize and streamline the tendering process, notably Java for front-end programming and MySQL for backend database management. The system has a number of features that improve efficiency, transparency, and collaboration between companies and suppliers.

How To Run The Project?

Open Eclipse Enterprise Edition. [Install if not available]

Step 1: Click On File > Import Tender-Management-System
Step 2. Right Click On Project > Run As > Run On Server > Select Tomcat > Next > Finish
Step 3: In The Server Tab > Double Click On Tomcat Server > Ports
Step 4: Check Running The Site At http://localhost:8083/tendermanagement/ 
Step 5: Default Username And Password For Admin Is “Admin” and “Admin” respectively.

Demo Video

YouTube player


There are 2 users in the system

  1. Administrator and
  2. Vendor
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The Role of Administrator is

  1. Create new Vendor.
  2. View all the vendors.
  3. Create new tenders.
  4. View All the Tenders.
  5. View All the Bids of a tender.
  6. Select a Bid.

The Role of a Vendor is

  1. View all the current Tenders.
  2. Place a Bid against a Tender.
  3. View status of a Bid(Whether Selected or Not)
  4. View his own Bid History.

Technologies used:-

  1. Front-End Development:
  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript
  • BootStrap
  1. Back-End Development
  • Java
  • JDBC
  • Servlet
  • JSP
  • MySQL

Software And Tools Required

  • : MySQL
  • : Eclipse EE
  • : Java JDK
  • : Tomcat v8.0
  • : Apache Maven

Output :

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)–only run source code.

Note: Only for Educational Purpose

DOWNLOAD Online Tender Management System : CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW

Download Project :-Click Here

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Online Tender Management System

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