Online File Sharing System Using PHP and MySQL
Online File Sharing System Using PHP and MySQL

Online File Sharing System Using PHP and MySQL: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s academic and professional world, sharing information digitally is crucial. An Online File Sharing System offers a seamless platform where users can upload, share, and manage their notes efficiently. Whether it’s for students collaborating on assignments or professionals sharing documents, this PHP-based web application provides a simple yet powerful solution.

This post will guide you through the process of building an Online File Sharing System using PHP and MySQL, from setting up the project to managing user accounts and notes.

Project Overview

The Online File Sharing System is a web-based platform that allows users to register, upload, update, and delete notes. It provides a user-friendly dashboard where registered users can manage their uploaded notes and profile information.

Here are the core components of the system:

  • User Registration: Users must sign up to upload or manage notes.
  • Notes Management: Users can add, update, and delete their notes.
  • Profile Management: Users can edit their personal details and change passwords.
  • Dashboard: A quick overview of the notes uploaded by the user.

Project Requirements

  • Project Name: Online Notes Sharing System Project
  • Programming Language: PHP 5.6, PHP 7.x
  • Database: MySQL 5.x
  • User Interface Design: HTML, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript
  • Web Browser Compatibility: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 8+, Opera
  • Software: XAMPP / WAMP / MAMP / LAMP (Choose any based on your operating system)
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Step-by-Step Guide

1. User Dashboard
  • Once a user logs in, they’re greeted with a dashboard displaying the total number of notes they’ve uploaded. It serves as a quick summary of their activity on the platform.
2. Notes Section
  • Add Notes: Users can upload new notes, which can be documents, text files, or PDFs.
  • Update Notes: Users have the flexibility to edit any previously uploaded notes.
  • Delete Notes: If a note is no longer relevant, users can easily delete it from the system.
3. Profile Section
  • Users can update their personal details, such as name, email, or profile picture.
4. Change Password
  • For enhanced security, users can change their passwords regularly.

Step 3: functionalities

Here’s a brief overview of the core functionalities implemented in PHP and MySQL.

1. User Registration & Login

  • registration.php: Handles new user sign-ups.
  • login.php: Authenticates existing users.
  • logout.php: Logs users out of the system.

2. Notes Management

  • add_note.php: Allows users to upload new notes.
  • edit_note.php: Enables users to update notes.
  • delete_note.php: Removes notes from the system.

3. Profile & Password Management

  • profile.php: Users can view and edit their profile information.
  • change_password.php: Facilitates password updates.

Step 4: Running the Project

  • Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin) and create a new database, e.g., notes_db.
  • Import the provided SQL file to create the necessary tables:
    sql Import notes_db.sql
  • Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost/online-notes-sharing.
  • Use the credentials for logging in:
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Building an Online File Sharing System using PHP and MySQL is an excellent project for students and professionals looking to improve their web development skills. With the ability to manage users, upload notes, and generate detailed reports, this system provides a practical solution for efficient notes sharing.

Download the Project

You can download the full source code for the Online File Sharing System here. This project is intended for educational purposes .To Buy this Project [ Price Details Click Below ( Click Here ) ]

  • Once purchased, I quickly set up the project on your system [remotely].
  • We Save Your time and effort both .

  • Tags: PHP Notes Sharing System, MySQL, Web Development, Online Notes, Notes Management, PHP Projects.
  • SEO Keywords: Online Notes Sharing System in PHP, PHP Notes Management System, MySQL Notes Sharing Application, Web-based Notes Platform PHP.
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