Employee Management System Project
Employee Management System Project

Employee Management System Project in java Free Source Code

Project: Employee Management System project in java

This Employee Management System Project application maintains a database with all of the employee’s information. It is a Java GUI application, with Mysql as the database. It includes personnel information such as employee id, first name, last name, and age. It is a simple program with a user-friendly UI.

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Employee Management System project in java
Employee Management System project in java

For this application, there are two views: the administrator view and the employee view. Employees may access their details in the employee view. You may obtain employee management system project in java pdf from the links provided below, and employee management system project in core java project is also available.

Employee Management System project in java

Java Project – Updategadh


Employee information system is a simple program designed to manage employee data. It is designed to store personnel information. This lowers reliance on the manual system, which may result in mistakes. This technique is quite useful for keeping track of personnel records. There is a search tool that allows you to look for records for a certain employee. An administrator has the ability to add, update, remove, and save records in a database.

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How To Run The Project?

Open Eclipse Enterprise Edition. [Install if not available]

Step 1: Click On File > Import
Step 2. Right Click On Project >
Step 3: Run As >Java Project> Next > Finish
Step 4: Done Your Project is ready to use .

  • Edit Growfast.bat file and copy paste the following command
java --module-path "C:\path\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib" --add-modules javafx.fxml,javafx.controls,javafx.graphics 
-jar Growfast.jar
  • Add path to JavaFX 11.0.2 folder in the above command
  • Run Growfast.bat file
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There are 3 users in the system

Employee Management System includes the following tasks:

1). Adding a particular employee details like name ,ID, contact, etc.

2). Searching an employee from the Data in our Files of organisation.

3). Editing the details of the employee like salary, contact no, mail-id etc.

4). Deleting employee details from the Data file.

5). Displaying the working employees associated with an organisation.

Modules of the Employee Management System

  • Register module: This module is used by new employees to register themselves and obtain their login information.
  • Login module: This module is designed for admin and employee login information. There are several login information offered, and both can login with their own user id and password.
  • Manage Employees: This module allows administrators to add and amend employee records. It is also used by the administrator to examine each employee’s data.
  • Delete module: This module was designed to erase any employee information.
  • Search module: This module is an extra function in this system that allows you to simply search employee records by employee id.
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Technologies used:-

  • Java
  • JDBC
  • Swing
  • GUI
  • MySQL

Software And Tools Required

  • : MySQL
  • : Eclipse EE
  • : Java JDK
  • : Xampp Server


- JDK 13.0.1
- JavaFX 11.0.2


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2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)–only run source code.

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