Hospital Management System using Django Python

Hospital Management System using Django Python

Hospital Management System using Django Python


In the dynamic landscape of modern healthcare, efficient management systems are paramount to meet the evolving demands of patient care. Leveraging technological advancements, Hospital Management Systems have emerged as indispensable tools for optimizing healthcare facility operations. One such robust solution is the Hospital Management System utilizing Django Python, offering seamless integration and user-friendly functionality for healthcare providers.

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Hospital Management System using Django Python

Step 1: Project Initialization

The initial step towards implementing a Hospital Management System using Django Python involves project setup, which includes Django installation and directory creation. This foundational phase lays the groundwork for constructing essential components such as models, views, and templates. Django’s structured framework facilitates code organization, ensuring scalability and maintainability throughout the development process.

Step 2: Key Features


  • Signup: Admin can create their account.
  • Login: Admin can log in without approval.
  • Doctor Management: Admin can register, view, approve, reject, and delete doctor accounts. Only approved doctors can log in.
  • Patient Management: Admin can admit, view, approve, reject, and discharge patient admissions.
  • Invoice Generation: Admin can generate and download invoices in PDF format based on various charges like medicine cost, room charge, doctor fee, etc.
  • Appointment Management: Admin can view, book, approve, and reject appointments requested by patients.


  • Apply for Job: Doctor can apply for a job in a hospital.
  • Login: Doctor can log in after approval by the hospital admin.
  • Patient Management: Doctor can view details of patients assigned to them, including symptoms, name, and contact information.
  • Discharged Patient List: Doctor can view the list of patients discharged by the admin.
  • Appointment Management: Doctor can view appointments booked for them by the admin and delete appointments after attending them.


  • Signup: Patients can create accounts for admission to the hospital.
  • Login: Patients can log in after approval by the hospital admin.
  • Doctor Details: Patients can view details of the doctor assigned to them, including specialization, contact information, and address.
  • Appointment Status: Patients can view the status of appointments booked for them (pending/confirmed) by the admin.
  • Appointment Booking: Patients can book appointments, pending approval by the admin.
  • Invoice Access: Patients can view and download invoices in PDF format only after being discharged by the admin.

Step 3: Essential Software and Tools

  1. Install Python 3.7.6: Download and install Python 3.7.6 from the official website. Make sure to select the option “Add to Path” during installation.
  2. Open Terminal (Command Prompt for Windows users) and execute the following commands:
    pip install django==3.0.5
    pip install django-widget-tweaks
    pip install xhtml2pdf
  3. Download the project zip folder and extract it to your desired location.
  4. Navigate to the project folder in the Terminal using the cd command:
    cd path/to/project/folder
  5. Once you’re inside the project folder, run the following commands to set up the database:
    py makemigrations
    py migrate
  6. Finally, start the Django development server by running the command:
    py runserver
  7. Open your web browser and enter the following

This will launch the project in your web browser, and you can start using it locally on your PC.

Step 4: Deployment and Testing

Upon completion of project development and feature implementation, the Hospital Management System can be deployed by initiating the Django development server. This enables access to the system via a web browser, facilitating comprehensive testing of its functionalities. Feedback garnered from users and stakeholders can be utilized to iteratively refine and optimize the system for enhanced performance.


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Complete Video :-

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)–only run source code.

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In summary, the Hospital Management System utilizing Django Python serves as a pivotal asset for healthcare providers seeking to optimize operational workflows and elevate patient care standards. By adhering to the outlined procedural steps, a robust and efficient system can be developed to meet the unique requirements of any healthcare facility. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive feature set, this system is poised to augment overall operational efficiency and productivity within the healthcare sector.

Meta Description: Discover the step-by-step process of building a professional Hospital Management System utilizing Django Python. Enhance healthcare operational efficiency and streamline patient care processes today!

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