Online Quiz Using Python Django: Comprehensive Guide
Online Quiz Using Python Django: Comprehensive Guide
Creating an online quiz system using Python Django offers an engaging and effective way for educational institutions to manage exams and assessments. This blog post will guide you through the essential features, steps to create the project, required software and tools, and provide a unique format for this comprehensive tutorial.
Step 1: Making the Project
- Install Django:
- Create a Django Project:
- Set Up the Database:
- Create Models:
- Create Admin Account:
Step 2: Essential Features
- Dashboard:
- View total number of students, teachers, courses, and questions.
- Manage Teachers:
- View, update, delete, and approve teacher applications.
- Manage Students:
- View, update, and delete student accounts.
- View student marks.
- Apply for Job:
- Apply for a teaching position in the system (approval required by admin).
- Â
- Manage Courses/Exams:
- Add, view, and delete courses/exams.
- Add questions with options, correct answers, and marks.
- View and delete questions.
- Account Creation:
- Create an account (no approval required by admin, can log in after signup).
- Dashboard:
- View the number of courses/exams and questions available.
- Take Exams:
- Attempt exams anytime with no limit on the number of attempts.
- View marks of each attempt for each exam.
Step 3: Required Software and Tools
- Python (version 3.6 or higher)
- Django (version 3.0 or higher)
- SQLite (default database, can use others like PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- HTML/CSS for frontend
- JavaScript for enhanced interactivity
Step 4: Running the Project
Installation/Setup/Run Remotely
- Convenient Remote Access: Access our services from home using Zoom, AnyDesk, or Google Meet.
- Complete Setup: We remotely setup the complete project on your system.
- Error-Free Guarantee: Our team ensures your project runs smoothly without any mistakes.
- Personal Help: We’re here to support you every step of the way and saves time.
Step 5: Project Screenshots
Include screenshots of:
Step 6: Download Project
To download the , please scroll down and click the download button.
- This project offers premium quality at an affordable price.
- I charge a small fee for my time, ensuring your save both time and effort.
- Once purchased, I can quickly set up the project on your system.
- Save your time !.
Project Price Details Click Below
New Project :-
Download All Free Project : Click here
- Online quiz system using Django
- Python Django tutorial
- Django admin dashboard
- Education technology projects
- Create quiz system with Django
- Python Django quiz application
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